Tuesday, July 11, 2006

MB-Sperry, OK

I finally made it after 3 days in an airport! Today was my first day on the field and what an AMAZING day! I didn't get a chance to talk and pray with people like others in our group did, but I did A LOT of prayer walking. I asked God many times to prepare my heart for when the chance came, and to speak through me when it came C, S, and I walked to a place where there had been drugs used NUMEROUS times, and it just saddened my heart so much that I broke down and cried. It was in such a beautfiul place, and I couldn't understand the need for all the drugs. But, the successes from the other girls gave me so much joy, and I continue to pray for the people they talked to. I feel that one of my best chances to open up will be with children...pray for the people we spoke to, pray for more women to come to the park, and pray for more chances to open up to people....mom I'm here! I love all of you and miss you!