Saturday, July 30, 2005

C.A.H.- Celina

I am going home on mission to begin a discipleship group to outreach to my school, church, and community

L.A.S.- Seminole

-Develop relationships with freshman and sophs as well as peers..the people that surround me.
-I must give more time.
-Let people know where I stand and not back down or fold
-develop a discipleship program in my youth group *big bro/big sis*
-Get involved in reviving FCS *fellowship of christian students* in my high school.
-Go out and use the seasons to reach people all around

K.B.B.- San Angelo

God is calling me to pour myself out in to others and disciple them and teach them many things and principles about keeping the church alive and reaching out and talking to others about letting God ruin them.

C.D- Grapevine

Im going to try to start a bible study with younger girls in my youth group. talk to my youth group about powerful prayer and prayer walking. "still" at the pole (continue it) Prayer walk around my school.

K.M.F.- Sanger

I am taking this back to my youth group so that we can take over our city for the Lord. Hopefully they will be able to see a chance in me and want the same thing that I have. The power of prayer! Gods Ancient Works!

A.J.L.- Arlington

I am going to make a disciples group for the younger girls in my youth group and find someone to disciple me. I am going to bring the m field home to school.