Friday, July 28, 2006
EH- Gallup, NM
This has been an amazing week. Father has really rocked my world. It has been great to see Father work in our team and to see them grow. He has provided us with amazing oppertunities to share and now we must PR taht Father causes the seeds to grow.
TL Colorado City, TX
Today I had a bread down about a couple of kids at school! But we PRed and we grew closer! Everyone seems to be getting closer! Today was our last day at the park. we talked to S again today. she didn't seem interested. she believes in evolution. I can't wait to see you. I miss you all so much. I don't want to leave but i want to see you. Theres so much to say. but I'm going to wait till we're in person. Keep PRing I see sissy. I Love you!!!
MC- Blanco, TX
Father is faithful! He does not falter. I can not begin to comprehend how AMAZING. All who He is, is what I want to be.
RP Teague,TX
Well guys our week of m work anded today, we get free day tomorrow and look forward to it! Lots of real good stories to tell! me and few friends leace at 10 & be back at 6 or 7! We are ready for home- but leaving lots of friends here! Thanks for all of the prayers and love! See ya'll soon!
SG Plainview, TX
Today was ok. Not as good as I hoped. The soccer guys didnt come back. I got to play bascketball with some guys but they didnt really want to sit down and talk. The picnic was fun. Played soccer fo ra while. And thats about it for now.
LA Idaleu,TX
Today was amazing but also sad since it was the last week was absolutly breath taking! It was the greatest experinces of my life. God woked in the most amazing possible! Something my youth minister always says. No prayer no power little paryer little power more prayer more power!
AR Wichita Falls, TX
Hey, the week has been fantastic! God has truley blessed my life being here in Germany. I have a broken heart for these people and I want you to pray for my future in Germany and God calling me back to these desperate people. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I send all my loveto you all. this servant, AR