Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Well today I talked to a lady sitting in our park and she said she was an athiest. But I think we really planted a seed and she said she'll probably come back! It was awesome! We have made great friendships and a boy and 2 girls have come back 2 days in a row! I miss you guys so much! Yes, I have to admit that I'm kidda getting homesick...But this experience is the best, and something I'll never forget! THanks for everyone who is praying and has donated in anyway, it would of been possible without you!


Well today some friends came and joined us in SC. It was a good time to show'em Christ. After SC we played some ultimate and me and one of our JSI's got to talk to a guy for a little bit. Then we played some basketball with the kids.


Me and two of my friends met an older couple today. They were so cool. We sort of shared religious belief. Maybe tomorrow I could share more.

CAK-Lake Charles,LA

Played more ultimate frisbee today with the German teenagers they're coming to eat with us right now. Pray that I would be able to reach out and be a witness.

HL Stillwater, OK

Hello again! Today we met this awesome couple. 2 toehr girls and I talked to them for a long time today. We built a good relationship and they're coming back tomorrow. She said she would bring eis!


Today was another amazing day! I made friends with a German lady. I gave her a Bible, she is going to read John 1-3 and we'll talk tomorrow. Pray for her. Love you!

AL Clinton, OK

Hey! A good day! I got to meet 2 new poeple that were grandparents. I can't wait to see God work in them. We are meeti with them at 3:30. I'm really absorbing the culture here. I think I have fallen in love with this place. I'm having a great week and can;t wait to share it with you! Please pray for everyone.

KC Washington, OK

Today was awesome! We got to hang out with the same Teens from yesterday and they ate with us! I got to get closer to some team mates and it was very cool!

HF Edmond, OK

Today was awesome! Those GErman teens we saw came back and hung out all day and ate dinner with us and got eis! Miss you all!

AK Del City, OK

Our team grew much closer during SC today as we shared and opened up our lives to each other. We shared things that might be taking our focus away from our important tac=sk here and how we are to do it. H and I continued to get a chance to hamg out with the girls we met yesterday. (I ate a wild German Blackberry today!)